This diagnostic tool category is mostly dedicated to home users and small workshops. Here you will find code readers from Autel, LAUNCH, DigiPro or ELM manufacturers.
The code readers and code scanners are usually limited to limited number of functionality, such as reading and erase diagnostic trouble codes, emissions test, etc. Therefore, they lack of in-depth programming or coding functionalities. On the other hand, such garage equipment is usually built for more than one vehicle brand and is relatively inexpensive in comparison to dealer OBD2 scanners. In order to know whether you need a basic code reader or comprehensive diagnostic tool, try to identify the pool of functions you consider will be essential at your workshop or home.
An issue, which most of inexpensive code readers have is compatibility. They are manufactured to support the most common car brands. The programming to cover all possible diagnostic protocols from all vehicle manufacturers is simply not there. On the other hand, code readers we offer are precisely sorted out by selecting only the most reliable OBD2 scanner. If you will not find the desired code reader, it does not mean we don’t have it. We simply try not to offer cheap and unreliable tools, but we might help you to acquire a wished code reader. Before purchasing a code reader, try to figure out which protocol your vehicle cover. If you are not sure about it, contact us and we will tell you.